Analytic Agora is a peer-reviewed psychoanalytic journal, published annually, which aims at promoting awareness of psychoanalysis – as a placeholder – in social bonds, with the view to setting up an open but critical space for debates between different schools of psychoanalytic thought, outside the dogmatism of regulatory bodies and partisan training organisations.
The Analytic Agora invites contributions to the field of psychoanalysis while acknowledging the broader socio-political debates that exist between psychoanalysis and the wider public sphere. Instructions for contributors.
As the journal of The Academy of Psychoanalysis, Analytic Agora occupies an alternate place amongst the plethora of other psychoanalytic journals and wants to acknowledge the very real need for an ‘open’ space for discussion, which goes to the heart of what the aims of the CP – UK are. Analytic Agora is interested in distinctiveness of the psychoanalysis in relation to the question of ethics, reality, virtuality, mortality, science, knowledge and truth. This journal considers the possibilities for opening up a space for alternative approaches to the rapid changes and challenges that we are facing in our contemporary social lives. While the modern social sciences are mainly interested in understanding the ‘collective psychopathologies’ for predicting the outcomes of a certain change in a society, psychoanalytic discourse explores and understands such effects based on recognising the particularity of each individual’s circumstances.
This journal is keen to give it an international flavour by exploring the questions emerging from the socio-political debates in different cultural contexts. We welcome submissions from international contributors who want to contribute to furthering the discussion between the psychoanalytic discourse and the fields of sociology, philosophy, art, politics and cultural studies.
Our Editorial Advisory Group consists of Berjanet Jazani, Ian Parker, Gwion Jones, Carol Owens, Stefan Marianski, Nicholas Bayley and Daniel Bristow. Prospective submissions and all correspondence should be sent electronically to the journal editorial advisory group, at the address:

Dorothy Hamilton
The Drive Takes Form
Gwion Jones
Drive Fixation, Repetition
Fernanda Costa-Moura
Great Expectations: Who is Interested in the Regulation of Psychoanalysis?
Andrew Hodgkiss
A Clinician’s Experience of the Regulation of Psychotherapy and Psychiatry in the UK: 1988-2018
Carol Owens
Wild (Wild) Analysts – From Freud’s Folly to French Farce?
Seb Randall
The Role of Competencies in the Regulation of Psychoanalysis
Vera Warchavchik
The Psychoanalytic Movement and the Question of Regulation
Spyros Karvounis
The Case for Regulation, the Marketplace, and Psychotherapy
Leon S. Brenner
Drive Regulation in Autism
Ben Hooson
Freud’s Drive to Regulate: Repression, the Ego and the Break with Jung