The College of Psychoanalysts-UK and Academy of Psychoanalysis
Annual Conference 2024
Psychoanalysis, Community and Movement(s)?
Saturday 24th February 2024
Venue: The Guild of Psychotherapists in London
(Zoom attendance is also available)
The conference will include local and international speakers
At CP-UK we hope to question and discuss whether psychoanalysis can form a ‘community’; whether it is rather a ‘movement’ that influences other forms of social movements; or indeed is it something else.
Relatedly, how can social movements leave a mark on psychoanalysis as a product of culture at the level of discourse and practice?
What might be our contribution to that, and how do we relate to those ‘other’ to us and handle internal disagreements?
Please note that this is a hybrid conference. The Zoom link will be sent out to you the day before the conference.
The fee includes lunch and complimentary hot drinks for in-person participants.
Registration fee: £20 Concessions (students, trainees, unwaged): £15
For registration please contact the Administrator Jo McKewan at collegeofpsychoanalystsuk@gmail.com