Annual Conference 2025
The Future of Psychoanalysis in a Changing World: Navigating Tradition and Transformation ... -
The Drive to Regulate
The Drive to Regulate approaches the question whether psychoanalysis can be regulated by interrogating the history and recent moves to regulate the profession. ... -
Analytic Agora
The Analytic Agora is a peer-reviewed psychoanalytic journal, published annually, which aims at promoting awareness of psychoanalysis. ... -
International Conference on Psychoanalytic Work in Adverse Conditions
2020 International Conference on Psychoanalytic Work in Adverse Conditions ... -
Brazil: Psychoanalysis in the Shadow of Dictatorship
Rafael Alves Lima will speak about ‘Challenges for psychoanalysis in the face of the current political situation in Brazil’ describing the grave situation that led Jair Bolsonaro to the presidency of the country ...
Freud Museum’s Series ‘What Is Psychoanalysis?’
The College provided funding to the Freud Museum in London for the production of four videos about psychoanalysis: the first addresses the question ‘Is it weird?’; the second is about ‘Sexuality’; the third is about ‘The Oedipus Complex’ and the fourth is about ‘The Ego, the Id and the Superego’. To view all four videos, please see What Is Psychoanalysis and What Is It For?