Instructions for Contributors

The Analytic Agora is a peer-reviewed psychoanalytic journal, published annually, comprising a diverse range of papers from international contributors. We welcome papers, which acknowledge the broader socio-political debates that exist between psychoanalysis and the wider public sphere.

Authors should submit prospective AA articles in Microsoft Word format, emailed to
We welcome papers of varying lengths but would ask contributors to adhere to an upper limit of about 5000 words. Papers should include endnotes, not footnotes. In-text references should be shown as follows: (xxx 19xx) or (xxx 19xx, pp. xx-xx). The list of references should be given in alphabetical order at the end of the paper, after the endnotes, using one of the main versions of Harvard style. Where available, English translations of original foreign-language texts should be cited, with the original foreign-language publication date cited in brackets.