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Coronavirus and the End of the World

David Pavón-Cuéllar Perhaps the pandemic seems to us like an end-of-the-world movie. Maybe all we want now is to get back to normal. It may be that we have not realized that normality is the

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How can psychoanalysis respond to the pandemic?

Berjanet Jazani The COVID-19 pandemic was felt as a moment of interruption. Interruption of the continuation of enjoyment. The pandemic brought a variety of responses in each of us, all based on a subjective reality

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Supervision Today

Berjanet Jazani – 2019 Throughout my clinical training, prior to my analytical formation, the meaning of this term “supervision” did not have such significance in terms of its implication and its function in the clinic.

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A Resident of the World

Forgetting the Past Berjanet Jazani The question of “history” will be approached from two different perspectives in this paper: the history as every individual’s description of their life and history as the history of the

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The Italian Connection Part 1

The Italian Connection Part 1 Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy: Forming or Conforming? A Passionate Debate Between Two Italian Lacanian Analysts (1) Translated by Simona Revelli Note by Translator All footnotes in the following text are by