January 2009
Dear [member of the Professional Liaison Group]
We are writing to you as a member of the HPC Professional Liaison Group because we believe it is valuable for all those on this important body to have equal access to information concerning the question of the proposed HPC regulation of talking therapies and the consultation process so far. This process, unfortunately, has failed to remain faithful to the original Department of Health remit to include representation from the breadth of the professional field and to respect the difference and diversity of the stakeholders concerned. Documents recently released under the Freedom of Information Act, which will be detailed below, make this clear and give us serious concern about the parity and transparency of the consultation to date.
There are three main issues here:
• Misunderstandings about the commitment of all psychotherapy groups to appropriate regulation of the profession in the interests of public protection and the vitality of psychotherapy.
• The importance of explicitly reflecting the particular and differing nature of the psychotherapies in the mechanisms of regulation.
• The hijacking of the process by a minority section of the profession to the exclusion of others.
From the first PLG meeting held on 4/12/08 it seemed apparent that the scope for discussion of these difficult issues is likely to be very limited, with the danger that they will be treated as inconveniences to be given an airing and then ignored. We believe it is important that you are aware that they are not minor details and that thousands of clinicians, as well as academics, intellectuals and public figures, across the country are gravely concerned about the high risks involved in a hasty and ill-informed consultation process. A major media campaign will begin later this year which will draw public attention to these problems.
We understand that it is not the HPC’s task to assess whether it is fit for the undertaking the Government has given it, yet that it is within the scope of the PLG to comment on the appropriateness of HPC regulation of the talking therapies and to understand and reflect on the relevant arguments. These arguments relate specifically to the issue of the effectiveness of any future register, the protection of the public and the concern that the action of the HPC in carrying out the task of regulation be proportionate to the requirement that the public be protected.
Commitment to Regulation
We, and all psychotherapy organisations of which we are aware, have been actively committed to regulation for many years. The self-regulatory systems which have been developed over the last 20 years have grown in sophistication and effectiveness and are continuing to do so. When critiques of the proposed HPC regulatory framework are formulated, the response is often that this is because the clinicians in question just don’t want regulation. This is a major misunderstanding. The concern is not with regulation, which already exists, but that the proposed process of HPC regulation will narrow the broad practice of psychotherapy, making much of what currently takes place in reputable psychotherapy consulting rooms illegal in the near future. We are also concerned that the Government’s insistence that all psychotherapies be subsumed under the Health Professionals’ umbrella will inevitably impose on psychotherapies the same framework as fits the health professions but does not translate to a non health-care profession such as ours.