Annual Conference – Is Psychoanalysis Teachable?

12th February 2010

Annual Conference – Is Psychoanalysis Teachable?

The Library, 21 Maresfield Gardens, London NW3 5SX (opposite the Freud Museum) 2.30pm followed by AGM at 5 pm
(Please note – venue has changed from Freud Museum)

Psychoanalysis, it is said, is a subjective profession, in the sense that, in order to function as an analyst, the person needs to undergo a subjective transformation. If this is indeed a fundamental condition of the practice of analysis the question arises as to the impact of standardisation of trainings on the one hand, and academicisation on the other. If ‘knowledge and skills’ become the predominant elements in a training, psychoanalysis might become teachable only at the cost of it ceasing to be psychoanalysis. Perhaps the question is, if psychoanalysis is not teachable, can it remain so in the future?

For more details about the conference and speakers click here