
Annual Conference The Drive to Regulate

Our conference this year, The Drive to Regulate, aims for approaching the question whether psychoanalysis can be regulated by interrogating the history and recent moves to regulate the profession.

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College News

Instructions for Contributors

The Analytic Agora is a peer-reviewed psychoanalytic journal, published annually, comprising a diverse range of papers from international contributors. We welcome papers, which acknowledge the broader socio-political debates that exist between psychoanalysis and the wider

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Coronavirus and the End of the World

David Pavón-Cuéllar Perhaps the pandemic seems to us like an end-of-the-world movie. Maybe all we want now is to get back to normal. It may be that we have not realized that normality is the

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How can psychoanalysis respond to the pandemic?

Berjanet Jazani The COVID-19 pandemic was felt as a moment of interruption. Interruption of the continuation of enjoyment. The pandemic brought a variety of responses in each of us, all based on a subjective reality